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1 Translation result for to end in Spanish


end verb

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ended, has ended, is ending, ends
terminar(se), acabar, concluir(se); terminar, poner fin a; concluir

Example sentences of
end verb

  • They ended the meeting at noon.
  • The line of people ended around the corner.
  • A marching band will end the parade.

Detailed synonyms for end verb

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Reverse translation for to end

terminar  (se) - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
acabar  - to finish, to finish, to end 
concluir  (se) - to end, to conclude, to conclude, to finish, to deduce, to infer 
terminar  - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
concluir  - to end, to conclude, to conclude, to finish, to deduce, to infer